
Ethical Channel and Internal Information System

European Whistleblower Directive EU 2019/1937 transposed into Law 2/2023 of 20 February, regulating the protection of persons who report regulatory breaches and the fight against corruption.

Deployment and subscription models:

Software as a Service (SaaS) in Multi-Tenant Infrastructure

Two subscription services are implemented on this shared infrastructure, a Basic service with the minimum functionalities to comply with legislation and a Premium service with advanced functionalities

Software as a Service (SaaS) on Dedicated Infrastructure

The solution is deployed with all the Premium functionality on a dedicated infrastructure, without sharing a database or access with other customers and without worrying about the installation, maintenance or operation of the solution since all of this is part of the service provided.

On-premises installation

For customers who prefer that information from the internal information channel not reside in third-party infrastructure, it is possible to deploy on infrastructure provided and maintained by the customer.


Whistleblowing channel and internal information system
Public Sector
Our client is a Local Entity in the province of Valencia that needs to launch the complaints channel as soon as possible at a very low cost.


Whistleblowing channel and internal information system
Digital Marketing Sector
Our client is a leading Spanish marketing firm with offices in South America that needed the internal information system with a whistleblowing channel as soon as possible at a very low cost


Whistleblowing channel and internal information system
Industrial Sector
Our client is a national company with factories in Spain, China and Morocco that needed the ethics channel and internal information system as quickly and securely as possible at a very low cost.


Law 2/2023 establishes a series of obligations for organizations, including:
Establish an internal whistleblowing channel: This channel should allow employees to securely and confidentially report any wrongdoing they become aware of.
Investigate complaints: Organizations should investigate all complaints received diligently and take appropriate action if they are found.
Protecting whistleblowers: The law establishes a series of measures to protect whistleblowers from retaliation, such as the confidentiality of their identity and the prohibition of their dismissal or sanction.

With the Small Business or Corporate service, one or more administrators will be able to manage the company’s document permissions, report reports, block users and their respective permissions, create workgroups, etc. can help organisations comply with Law 2/2023 in several ways:

  • Providing a secure and confidential whistleblowing channel: mysecway offers an online whistleblowing channel that allows employees to report wrongdoing anonymously or with their identity protected.
  • Automating the research process: It can help automate some research tasks, such as collecting evidence and managing interviews.
  • Generating reports: can generate reports on complaints received, investigations carried out and actions taken.

Using mysecway to comply with Law 2/2023 offers a number of benefits, including:

  • Reducing the risk of non-compliance: mysecway can help organizations reduce the risk of non-compliance with Law 2/2023, which can avoid costly fines and reputational damage.
  • Improved whistleblower protection: mysecway can help organizations better protect whistleblowers from retaliation, which can foster a more open whistleblowing culture.
  • Increased transparency and accountability: mysecway can help organizations become more transparent and accountable, which can improve their reputation and the trust of their stakeholders.

Get the document Guide for the Protection of Whistleblowers, filling in your details here:

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